Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Revisions of Diary of the End/World to Come

We've been working on the pilot script for a new television series for awhile now.  We are currently on our second revisions, and will be soon on the lookout for producers and financing-- thus begins the torturous and infamous pre-production hell!  

The script centers around Malcolm, a man who wakes up one day to find that the majority-- if not all-- the people he once knew are dead.  He is quite happy about this-- not because he's happy to see people dead, but because it means that he has the whole place to himself.

Of course, life isn't perfect for poor old Malcolm.  The dead eventually start getting up and trying to snack on him.  And they may not be the only threat-- but to find out more, you'll have to stay tuned. 

The revisions are going well-- we've had a few massive rewrites of the script, but for the most part, we're just integrating each of the scenes with better transitions, making sure the audience gets to see life through Malcolm's eyes, stuff like that.

As per the producer/financer hunt, at this point it is fairly early-- I essentially want the first script to be polished.  I have a handful of producers in mind.  Financing... well, that was never my strong point, so I hope to find a producer willing to help me on that front-- not out of pocket, of course, but one that is willing to back me on fundraising. 

In the meantime, I will be updating the websites, making sure promo material is as good as it can be, and I also plan on shooting some test footage.  A friend of mine-- the wondrously talented Morgan Oughton, special effects lady extraordinaire-- is visiting in the fall, and I hope to take use of her visit to shoot some tests.  

Outside of that... well... I'll keep you posted when news comes along!  Stay tuned!

Oh, and almost forgot-- keep an eye out on the monster intern website for more news!

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