Monday, June 22, 2009

Distracted by random distractions...

Ugh... I hate distractions. Seriously, if I could be a fully automated robot so that I coud achieve the productivity levels I so desperately desire/need... le sigh...

Anywho, I've managed to update the web page a tad. Working on developing a more nifty image scroller, but that won't be until I learn at least a tiny smidgeon of flash. Also, designed a few items in a store which can be found at http:/ for those interested in awesome items. Other than that, been doing some research for a new script about a haunted asylum and BEFORE you say "I've seen that before," please take into account a few things I want to do differently with this project. The first thing is that it isn't an asylum haunted by insane ghosts, its a fully populated asylum with live patients that is haunted. Who will believe these poor souls? Well... no one. Which leads me to the second thing I want to do with this script, which is to hopefully expose the sometimes lonely world of the mentally ill, while also giving them life and respect. It isn't something I'm taking lightly, and I really want to make a project that doesn't just exploit mental illnesses, but shows the sometimes scary, sometimes lonely, sometimes unstable, and sometimes loving world these people exist in. We all have neuroses, and that is another thing I want to do with this script-- to really truly destroy the distinction between "normal" and "abnormal" not to belittle the illness, but to humanize its victim.

Also hard at work planning promotional material for "Z" (previously known as "Diary of the End"), the tv series which seems destined to be financed out of pocket... which... considering my pocket, is not going to be easy! But I have high hopes. The plan is to have almost all-- if not all-- the scripts for the first season ready for shooting so we don't have to take breaks in between filming episodes.

Whatever crew I develop will hate me for that. Or love me, I don't know, we'll see.

Also starting playing with twitter (my that sounds dirty). While on twitter, I managed to find this:

Which, needless to say, looks... awesome.

The still is from a movie called "Zombieland"... its a typical zomacolypse flick, but it looks like it has lots of character and energy, which are always good things when it comes to the walking maggot-bags.

In fact, the current uprising of the horror genre-- from Sam Raimi's triumphant return with Drag Me to Hell, to this, to Tim Burton's return to weirdsville with the awesome-looking Alice in Wonderland, has made me make plans on developing a podcast giving my thoughts on movies in general, probably with a bias toward the horror genre. Because really... who doesn't love the creepy crawlies and the splattered red stuff?

Ok, maybe I'm just a special case and somewhat of a cynic, but the horror genre is like a sibling to me. Granted, a festering, smelly sibling... and probably more prone to try to make me uncomfortable than my real life sibling...

ANYWHO I'm on rantsville now, so I will part by saying these things that need to be said: the things still on the agenda are more physical versions of marketing my goods-- need to hawk stuff in order to pay for production-- and to all beautiful and rich ladies, if you are looking for an adorible and awesome guy to encourage, love, and throw yourself and your money at... I am single.

There... I do believe I've pimped myself out about as much as I can for the time being. Until next time.

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